Senin, 13 Desember 2010 | By: kiki
Why Do Hawks Hunt Chicks??

Holllaaa... It 's My Second story.^^ in this story I will tell you A legendary Story...Why Do Howks hunt Chicks.. ^^ Do you interested??? =P It's a good answear if someday your Childrens will ask you Why Do Hawks Hunt Chicks.. hehehe

Now let's begin to tell the story  ^^

Long time ago..Hawks doesn't Hunt you believe that?/ =P
One day There is a Mighty hawk fell in love with a hen.
After the hawk see that hen, SHe is a beautifull hen Right?? =P 
 flew down from the sky and said to that hen, “Will you marry me?” ^^ 

The hen loved the brave, strong and mighty hawk and wished to marry him. But she said, “I can not fly as hight as you can. If you give me time, I may learn to fly as hight as you. Then we can fly together.”

The hawk agreed. Before he went away, he gave the hen a ring. “This is to show that you have promised to marry me,” said the hawk.

It so happened that the hen had already promised to marry a rooster. So, when the rooster saw the ring, he became very angry. “Throw that ring away at once!” shouted the rooster. The hen was so fightened at the rppster’s anger that she threw away the ring immediately.

When the hawk came a few months later, the hen told him the truth. The hawk was so furious that he cursed the hen, “Why didn’t you tell me earlier? Now, you’ll always be scratching the earth, and I’ll always be flying above to catch your children,” said the hawk.

That's why do hawks hunt chicks ^^ What do you think?? What can we learn from this interesting story?? Please Shae yor Idea about your opinion  =P  Thx A lots. Before ^^  


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